Thursday, November 01, 2007

"ready to send"

Sometimes you just know OR a jedi mind trick?
October 30, 2007: Mike Feinberg on Divergence, 420's Boulders, Poudre Canyon, CO. My introduction to Mike Feinberg was serendipitous. For the umpteenth time, I couldn't locate the obscure problem Green Thumb which is somewhere back near Cloudwalker. Thus, I stumbled back to Divergence trying to come up with an alternative end-of-the-day plan. At this point - and with Pinto's moral support - Mike had refined his beta and I got to witness and shoot a relatively rare ascent of Divergence, a problem that has given many a Poudre regular fits for the 6 years that have elapsed since Solutions introduced us to the problem. NOTE: a useful foothold did break shortly after the filming, at least partially explaining the infrequency. Anyway, once Mike resigned himself to crossover to the gaston undercling and gave it a couple tries, he announced something like he was "ready to send." He then graciously waited for Pinto and I to grab our respective cameras and sent. I must try this "ready to send" approach. "Worked like a charm it did (Yoda-speak)."
P.S. By the way, where the hell is Green Thumb again? Anyone?


jay said...

I think Green Thumb is the problem in the talus behind Divergence. I faces the opposite direction of divergence. On the same boulder there is a problem that starts under a little roof and climbs up the face. Greenthumb is the arete to the right of this problem. Both are fairly tall. I think they are on the only tall boulder in that bunch of talus, so look for that. Good luck,

chuffer said...

thanx Jay ... I saw it but apparently forgot what it looks like. does the line that starts under the roof have a name?