April 22, 2007: Ken Gibson on Locked and Loaded, Lost Lake, Red Feather Lakes, CO. There is something to be said about not having any specific goals or even an itinerary for the day in our hectic fast-paced lives that are seemingly always packed full of tasks and to-do lists. RFL is a great place to go exploring. There are dozens if not a hundred square miles of virgin rock in and around Red Feather Lakes worthy of exploration. Pretty much walk far enough in any direction once you are in this zone of crags and rock-covered hillsides and valleys and you will find rock worth climbing. You never know what you'll find. We did not find a ton in this zone on this day, but the rock was "choice" and is definitely worthy of further exploration.
rfl granite good.
i saw pictures of the feather and had to extend an invitation. i've been developing some new sectors on the east side of rfl. a dozen plus new sectors with 250-300 problems sent, chalked, or ready to be cleaned(mostly the latter). from the meadow south of parvin lake to the boy scout road(west of the ceremonies), five square miles of easy access fun. and about 45 min closer than lost lake. i climb alone almost all the time and it's not so conducive for the sending,i would love to get some fresh skin on my projects.
if you're at all interested in a tour or i'd even let people borrow my personal guide, drop me a line- i'm jacob and my email is
we will have to get together this winter, for sure.
i get out four or five days a week, so i'm always ready. drop a line anytime.
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